Method 5: Search Box trick Solutions for Windows 10 Taskbar Not Hiding Error In this guide, we are going to provide you some effective solutions to resolve the ‘taskbar not hiding’ issue during full-screen. You only have to perform some simple hacks to solve the ‘Windows 10 taskbar not hiding’ error. But do not panic, you can easily overcome this problem. The notifications can also pop up on the taskbar, adding to the problem and making you lose your cool. At that time, you get to know how irritating it is to see the taskbar icons regularly while trying to focus on something important. It doesn’t seem to be an issue until you face it by yourself. However, some people may face an issue of ‘Windows 10 taskbar not hiding’ during the full-screen mode. And if it does not, then you can do it easily through the F11 key or by just double clicks in some media players. Some video games automatically switches your desktop setting to full-screen mode. Full-Screen feature is quite necessary when you play video games, watch movies, or want to do something that requires your complete attention.