
Star wars republic fleet
Star wars republic fleet

The large ships of your fleet get their own insert.

  • 1 Half-Size foam tray for cards, dice, and further game material (HSMEQO050BO).
  • 1 Half-Size foam tray for 12 squadrons (HSDT050BO).
  • 1 foam tray for 2 Consular-class Cruiser + 1 Acclamator-class Assault ship incl.
  • cards, bases, pegs and fin, ship tokens, command and speed dials, ruler.
  • 8 Republic Fighter Squadrons (2 Delta-7-Aethersprite squadrons, 2 BTL-B-Y-wing squadrons, 2 ARC-170 squadrons, 2 V-19-Torrent squadrons).
  • star wars republic fleet

    With this Feldherr MINI PLUS bag, filled with custom foam trays designed specifically for the Galactic Republic Fleet Starter and the Fighter Squadrons Expansion Pack, you'll be well equipped to fight the Separatists. But the fate of the Republic is far from sealed.

    star wars republic fleet

    One world after another falls into the hands of the Separatists.

    Star wars republic fleet